Lemmys Space

By Lemmy


The apple tree was given to us many years
ago by a good friend.
It has only ever produced one or two fruits.
So last year I gave it a good trim, and low
and behold it is heaving with them this year.
We have never tasted them, they were so
small and used to have brown scabby spots
here's hoping they will taste gorgeous.
Have any of you seen the film" Limitless"
staring Robert De Nero and Bradley Cooper
it's well worth a watch, we watched it over
the weekend, I've seen it before, but Mr L
hadn't, he enjoyed it too. Robert de Nero
is my fav actor.
I am away with my two Grand daughters
(21 and 18) shopping to day, and thank
god it's nae clothes, food shop, so that shouldn't
be too stressful LOL.
Happy Monday lovely blippers, it's another
sunny day up here. I hope the sun is shining
on all of you.

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