Life thru a lenz...

By Rocco


Today was spent at my parents, showing my mum the ropes on eBay. She has some sort of crazy addiction to shopping and today we managed to list 61 items for sale, most still with the tags on!!

After my dad gave me a lift home and I couldnt resist this photo of Rocco looking impatient in the back of the car, wondering if we were home yet!

I arrived home to find Caroline and Cheryl camped out eating a chippy in my back garden (they arrived earlier than I was expecting) we had a really chilled out evening watching xfactor and celeb bb.

I've also been trawling the Internet looking for a cheap car as I am just about to book my driving test. Had fun looking at cars that I couldn't afford to run and this just depressed me lol.

Anyways off to bed I go now!

Good night world x

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