Paddy and Sammy

It was "wander off on my own" time this morning while Mrs P was distracted by the chance of some Kieran-time, so I traipsed into Belfast. Of course, as soon as I had parked the car, I remembered that I hadn't charged my camera battery and had only 2/5 bars. 28 shots, two coffees and a visit to the travel agents later and I was back at the car.
I met Paddy and Sammy in Cornmarket and asked them if they would pose. They obliged with much good natured banter. They're obviously great friends and have been for years. I think they've both been involved in boxing many years ago and Paddy is wearing a boxing related badge.
I also saw this chap who I assumed was taking to his wife about the shopping, and using his mobile in a strange way: Shaggin' Note.

And finally: Angry Tourist

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