my eyes they cannot lie

By girlsonfilm

Bikes and bosses

The girls grandad came to sort their bikes out tonight, Jeanne was a bit gutted because she is a bit too tall for hers now but I promised to get her a new one as soon as I could afford it.

Eve's is still fine - and she has been trying to ride her bike around our tiny house. I promised to take her out as soon as possible. Mossley is *very* hilly though so we will have to head to the park I think.

Eve is very headstong for a 6 yr old, she knows her own mind and its very hard to stop her doing exactly what she wants!

While grandad was patiently blowing up the tyres and altering the seats and handlebars Eve couldn't stop herself from sitting on the bike, touching it, messing with the brakes and wheels. No matter how many times grandad asked her to just wait until he was finished. Eventually she was told in no uncertain terms by her mild mannered gramps to leave the bike alone or it would never be fixed!!

I was wryly amused to see her stand back from the bike as asked but I counted at least four little taps and slight touches from her as she clearly thought to herself "You're not the boss of me. I'm the boss of me...and I'm still touching the bike"

"Life is like riding a bicycle - in order to keep your balance, you must keep moving" ~Albert Einstein

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