Long Slow Distance

By platanos

Black water

On or around 14th November 2009 (before I started on blipfoto) I commenced a mega- pencil drawing depicting my memories of bathing in the Rio Tapajos Rio Tapajos in Brazil shortly before the start of the Jungle Marathon, a race through 150 miles of prime Amazonian jungle.

I'd already made several smaller drawings (and some lino prints) of the same scene, intending to show the blackness of the water with only tones of graphite pencil on a white ground.... On 12th December 2009 it looked like this watery

I even blipped it once before, on 5th September 2010

The mega-drawing is still work in progress, as this blip shows and to be brutally frank I am losing patience with it. It's been a-hangin' around for too long, propped up in the corner of the room. I added a bit more yesterday...

It's consumed quite a lot of pencils in its life... I need the inspiration to carry on... or maybe I will just confine it to one of the time consuming failures of life...

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