my eyes they cannot lie

By girlsonfilm

Date club

After 1000 texts and a load of emails I met with Wakefield man tonight, it was lovely. he was lovely but it isn't going to go anywhere. I got the 'its not you it's me' text.

But, had a great night, met a very nice bloke and I had booked myself a rather nice room in a swanky hotel. A hotel with lovely lights over the majestic stairs. I didn't use the lift I quite liked pretending I was a bit of a princess every time I walked down the stairs. Yes. I *am* that easily pleased.

Got a few "Hugs" and "I've been there" and 'he must be mad' messages. He's you know I'm an expert on The Psychopath Test so it just shows it wasn't meant to be. We've been texting today..where strangly I ended up reassuring him how nice he was. Dating is a odd game. The best advice came from my best mate Stucks who sagely reminded me that I am playing the game wrong. The first rule of Date Club is you never talk about Date Club. The second rule of Date Club is you *never* get attached to someone you've not met in the flesh yet.

Don't do it kids.

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