
By Chiara

Lemon cream

The Bachelor's Grove Cemetery is one of the world's most haunted places. It's an abandoned cemetery at the end of a long path into the woods. The entrance to the path is obscure; you have to park at the forest preserve nearby, cross the busy street, and walk along the curb until you find two poles. Walk in between the poles and, between the overgrown trees, you'll see a broken up path.

People say you get an uneasy feeling when you enter the path and the cemetery. Jeff and I felt nothing. Granted, it was daytime, but we didn't get creeped out one bit, not even when we saw the pond that supposedly held the bodies of some of Al Capone's victims.

The only thing we felt was sadness. The entire cemetery was in shambles. The grass was overgrown, covering many graves into oblivion. The headstones were thrown off of their bases, covered in graffiti or missing (presumably in the pond). The fence around the cemetery was cut and broken.

If this cemetery was haunted, I can certainly understand why! For many decades, people would come there to do drugs, have sex, and vandalize the place. Some of them even dug up the graves and robbed the deceased. I even read about how someone took a skull and used it in a satanic ritual. How disgusting. What is wrong with people?

Jeff and I are deeply disturbed by how the deceased inhabitants of the cemetery are not at peace anymore; their tombstones ripped off and thrown into the pond; their graves dug up, walked on, and pissed on; their resting place for eternity now unkempt and vandalized, on the path to being swallowed up by the woods. These poor souls. If they were in fact ghosts, who would blame them for being pissed off? As far as I am concerned, they can do whatever they want to the vandals. An eye for an eye, right?

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