Re-Vision: A Photo Journal

By shellkaysm

Quick Fire

This is one of the two hydrangea bushes flanking the stairs to my back deck. They are called Quick Fire Hydrangeas.

When they first bloom, the flowers have a lime green tint, then progress to a creamy white for most of the summer. Come late July, they start to get a rosy stain which will deepen to a burgundy by fall. The petals are butterfly like in shape and hang their faces downward. The underside has a creamy tone with measle-like splotches. Maybe I'll grab a shot of that for tomorrow or the next day. So pretty and interesting, this is becoming one of my favorites for long-season beauty.

In other news, we experienced an earthquake today. Scary feeling to have everything on the walls and the floor shaking without knowing what was happening. The center was in Virginia and measured at 5.9.

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