Crab fishing (again !)

The girls had an appointment to have their hair cut at 9am. I shall never make an appointment so early during the school holidays again. I couldn't get them out of bed. Daughter #2 eventually got up around 8.50 am and said that she couldn't leave the house without first having a shower. I had to drag her into the car.
After the hair cut, we went to Gwalia (a local cafe) for breakfast.
When we got home, we started de-cluttering and cleaning the house. I spent most of the day tidying up. Dauhter #2 went to play with her cousin and the boys went to the beach to play cricket. Daughter #1 still has a sore bottom and wanted to stay at home with me.
We took a car full to the local dump and lots of toys to the charity shop.
Mu nephew and niece came round for dinner and then they all went crab fishing. My brother in law cooked dinner for us and half way through dinner, the kids came home; my son and daughter #2 were soaking wet. They'd had an argument whilst out fishing and ended up throwing buckets of dirty harbour water over each other.

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