Who knew?

By InOtherNews

Oh so lucky

I wanted to bring you this yesterday, but the sun didn't provide the strength to fully light up the stained glass windows. Today however I was lucky.

I'm enjoying hitting the Cathedral every day, especially as I hope I'm becoming a 'face' there that strengthens my intention to work there. However like any sensible man about to lose his job I have a plan B.

You see although I've been hinting at something further I've not really formed a solid plan until last night. Basically I've been skirting around a standard 'trading' venture, buying in goods cheap and selling them for more. However last night I had 'eureka' moment, and today will be looking at writing a business plan for the bank.

I'm not 100% sure about how to set up my own business, nor how I can award myself competitive pay, but I will investigate. I believe I have a really solid grounding for a good business. However I'm not throwing it out here just yet as I want to 'put the ball into motin' or something.

City won 2-1 last night: FINALLY. It was our first win since March, a long wait of five months and twelve days. Telford banged a late consolation in that had me clenching my arse cheeks together for three minutes of added time. We won, it means we are now 14th and still above the Codheads. Up The Imps.

Had an ace lunch with The Hutch yesterday where we compared notes on photoshop, other blippers and music. It's ace having my brother close by, a point I felt comfortable speaking about before he joined blip. Now he's on blip I don't want him to think I'm a sycophantic dick. Mind you he said he doesn't read my write ups anyway.

Which is nice.

In other news my job hates me. They're entering a team into an 'Its a knockout' event, and I haven't been asked despite everyone else in the office talking about it constantly. Now who would be good in an event like this? Someone with 14 years experience of doing dumb shit in a big furry suit? Yep. So if we have such a person in our workforce what should we do?

Make them feel worthless, surplus to requirements and not valued at all completely under valued. Then people wonder why I don't seem to be performing. Mind you I was lucky this morning, our newest assessor (and all round good bloke) J came in and spoke to me for a few minutes. He obviously doesn't know about the unwritten rule: Do not be nice to the ginger.

I'd say have a happy Wednesday or something, but seeing as mine will be miserable why should you lot get off lightly?

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