world outside your window

By thewanderlust

this is ginny

okay so i know the crop is uncomfortable, but the composition was a mess and anyway, i liked the light on the rain soaked cobbles.

decided to take a break from packing, following an incident involving a heavy box falling on my face. cue big swear word and the dog cowering in the corner. all good really; keeps me on my toes.

so, headed out for a quick blipog* walk and the heavens opened. ginny was lovely and bright and orange amidst the grey skies and i felt like jumping in her flowery shelter and heading off on an adventure. but no, i must be patient!

i hate to sound all british but i can't believe this summer's weather. and i hate to be smug, but i can't wait to have a proper summer in sydney!!

*definition: a walk where one multitasks dog walking and blipping

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