simple moments

By simplemoments

365 days... of grace

a year... of taking photos... by god's grace i've done it without any gaps... when i sometimes doubted it would be possible...

i thought it only fitting that since my first blip was of gracie - i should complete the circle with her as well...

the issue of grace goes beyond her though... i began blipping as part of a healing journey - to help me refocus - and perhaps be distracted, too, from the pain of treatments after a debilitating motor vehicle accident... along with lingering headaches and dealing with post traumatic stress... as well as the loss of employment of 23 years due to budget cuts... i so needed a diversion and getting back to a love of photography seemed a perfect route to take. finding a story in god's creation via a photo a day - benefiting from being in his presence every day... getting close to nature... sounded so ideal.

i wasn't prepared to get hooked... i wasn't prepared to become a stalker of sorts... i didn't realize i would make friends with people i've never seen and who live around the world... i had no idea i would end up being so totally blessed by a community who accept me just as i am - warts and all - serious and silly... who are willing to encourage a novice and make her feel as though every step she takes is the right one. i have been accepted with grace by these fellow blippers - a gift from god. thank you for that - all of you who visit my humble little journal and comment and encourage and make me laugh. you have made my journey this year a much easier one and i am grateful for you.

i am grateful for non-blipping friends as well - who have encouraged and are interested in what my blip of the day is going to be... and ask after me. how cool is that?

and of course... to the powers that be at blip central - i have been blessed by your vision and thank you.

i will continue my journey of blipping... my healing isn't done... i'd venture to say i'll be on a perpetual journey - i guess that's life. but i've got grace along for the ride... my camera in hand, too

so that will always make for a

happy day.....

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