La vida de Annie

By Annie

Penultimate day....

...hopefully. I'm being discharged sometime tomorrow. I actually worry I'm not quite ready, but the idea is that the hospital provided surgical treatment and once it has healed I have to deal with my own convalescence. That's reasonable I guess, but we oldies were used to the NHS supplying the whole package. The surgeon said the next 3 months are crucial as without support, mental as well as physical, there's only a 50% survival rate. He also said I have the advantage of prompt treatment and no obvious impairment (weakness, slurred speech, cognitive difficulties etc.) so fingers crossed for that.

This evening I had a surprise visitor Dee, my lovely bellydancing teacher who has been asked about me by the other class members. She is such a calm, caring and spiritual lady it's a teal tonic to have her company.

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