Sunflowers in the Rain

This morning it was absolutely hacking down with rain. The farm abutting the lane I drive along has a stewardship scheme in place, which means amongst other measures they have to plant pollinator plants.

Right next to the lane is a bank of sunflowers which are just coming into flower. In a few days they will be splendid.
I wound down the window of the car, took this pic and continued on my way.

Well, you didn't expect two good images in a row did you?

I have left the image grey and dull, because that is how it was.

Dear Harry,
I remember the evening with such clarity, I was wearing my favourite fuschia coloured trousers....
Cont from yesterday's blip.

I got up from the table to leave the party at which I knew only the friend I had gone with. I jumped as I felt your hands on my waist and turned to face you.
The mind always makes instant judgements, doesn't it? In this case, short-ish and fat-ish.

You: "You're not going are you?"
Me: "Now, what do you think?"
You: "I think you should stay"
"No, I really am going, sorry mate, you should have made your move sooner"

"Oh, come on, just one dance"
"No, I'm going now"
"But I'm a good dancer"
"No, I do have to go"

You were still holding on to me and smiling that crazy smile, totally confident.

"Just one dance then you can go"
"Oh, OK then, for using the worst chat up line in the world, just one."

You kept hold of me as we walked onto the dance floor and said:
"I'm wondering if I could stay the night"
"Er, I don't think so."
" I'm a good kisser"
"And your point is?"
"I'd like to stay the night"
"No, you can't that's not my style."
"But I'm a really good kisser"
"Who told you that?"
"Everyone I've ever kissed"
"Oh, go on, I wouldn't be any trouble"
"Actually, I think you probably would!"

His eyes sparkled, he grinned permanently, he said.
"I think you were looking at me earlier, I clocked you"
"Yes, I was wondering what 3 incongruous looking chaps were doing at this party, and why you were dancing together"

"I bet you dance like a middle class bird"
"And how do they dance?"
"Oh you know... Now I could show you a few moves! Then I could come home with you!"
"No, it's not going to happen"
"I think it is..."

Nighty night, blipsville, I'm off to Bedfordshire!

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