Tiny Dancers

22months 5days

There's a pro at this kind of shot on blip, who inspired this shot today.
So this one's for Lauri. It's not perfect, but I love it.

We have had a great day today, gentle and lovely. Katie slept through, which made getting up at 5.30 more bearable. We then pottered about, popping to do some jobs first thing, and Katie had a big puddle jumping time. Whilst clutching a beach bucket she insisted on taking. We popped back home and Mummy had a very productive hour - car insurance purchased, old car insurance cancelled, a list of uni related jobs done. The most complicated was 15minutes on hold to t-mobile to top up my phone!

We then headed out to see Tatiana and her mummy. Katie was snuggled in the pram as it was rather rainy. We bought a new (to us) pram yesterday, as I decided with winter not too far away I wanted a snuggly, sturdy something again. She seemed very pleased and wasnt long before she slept. Tatiana's mum had asked me to do some photos. She's a dancer so they were both in tutus and tights. A lot of fun and challenging too. But Tatiana sat on the baby grand piano was rather a beautiful sight!

Katie woke up as we'd finished and was very pleased to see Tatiana. Her mum had got an extra set of ballet clothes so both girls coud have fun twirling, dancing and playing with Postman Pat toys. She looked very pretty in the little skirt and tights. She didnt want to take the skirt off so left in it, and is still wearing it. She looks teeny tiny and totally adorable.

When we left, Katie and I headed to the library. She was pleased to see Helen there and soon had her reading books with her (not that Helen ever minds in the least!), after which her and I read a pile of books together too, including Elmer. Four times!

PS I've now ordered Katie the skirt she's wearing in this shot!

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