The fool on the hill

By mooncoin


We got rid of the Rat today. My friend Dave convinced me I shouldn't kill it so the kids and I trundled the wheelie bin down to the common and let it scamper away.

A few days ago I looked at davidd's blip and out of couriosity googled the name of the album. I followed the link and downloaded the MP3s. I wouldn't class myself as an ardent petrol head but these sounds are so wonderful. They are the clamour and the spirit of humanity. No other living thing can do this. It isn't just the song of those engines but the ingenuity and the skill and hard work behind the noise that has gone into getting those cars down the quarter mile in the shortest time possible that make this such a great recording. You can feel the plain grunt of those big engines as they change gear and deliver another hunk of force from the bottom of the power curve.
Oh I came over all lyrical just then.

The fly - another miracle of nature. I would say they seem a bit few and far between in the garden. I have a sense that it has not been a good year for insects.

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