Wistful moments

By KathM


Had a fantastic inpromtu afternoon out, despite heavy showers, and went to Cheshire game and country fair. Arrived just in time to bet 50p on a ferret race and won my money back before moving on to the falconry specimens which were stunning. The highlight of the day tho' belonged to the dogs. We watched some pretty hilarious attempts at retrieving, and another funny competition to see which dog was the fastest...at eating a bonio haha. This little Springer won me over in the "chase a bunny" competition. She was so alert and up for it (but was out run by the whippets) and i think i've just decided what my next dog might be, one day, when the time is right.
Back drying off in the warm now with the pear and ginger cake baking in the oven. Bliss.

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