just allan

By allan


"There's no such thing as a seagull," as Gordon is fond of pointing out. But here we have a flock of seagulls - common tern, black-headed gulls, herring gulls, great black backed gulls. Standing about together and being seagully. There's no better term.

This is the Isle of May from Belhaven.

I worked all day on the thesis (polish, polish) and we eventually got out about 4. I had several moments of, "WHY DOES THIS WORK AT ALL?" but I seem to have reached a point now where I can let it go. Let's hope.

Other than that, very sorry not to make an old friend's birthday party and looking forward to irresponsibility - soon.

And other things - Later!

EDIT: Interesting that the comments on this talk about "Extreme" this and that. So, I've decided to post a link to my original along with my blips. Here's today's:
Seagulls SOOC

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