Lucky Streak

Flea inherited my lucky streak - the one that gets things half-price, throws the double six, finds the tenner on the floor - that kind of thing. We really are both very lucky, more so, it seems, than other people.
Today she was lucky again. She had her own phone for a while, even though she was quite young when she got it, it made sense for her to have one. And, as she was so young I bought her a super crap phone which she hated because it was super crap. And then she "lost" it. Flea is very honest, so I do believe her that she lost it...but she's also very I imagine that a perfect lose-opportunity presented itself.
Anyway, I refused to buy her a new one, said she had to get it herself. She wanted one that was all singing, all dancing and I didn't want to spend that much, we went to the shop, her with her savings and she managed to find herself a nice young man who found her the best deal (it sings, it dances) and who did some kind of deal with her that involved me paying money on top but therefore she'd wash up for me....not very convincing but.
Anyway, we got to the till and what happens? Yes, a mysterious special offer that no one knew about knocked 50 SFr off the price which meant she doesn't have to wash up AND she could afford an 8GB card for it so she can make better use of the music player and the camera!!
Here she is with her new you can see it's even got one of those knitting needle things for poking the screen.
I still have my ancient phone that has no special features at all and Mr. Spitzi has an even ancienter phone that he is proving a point with (you don't need a new phone all the time). The keypad is stuck together with sellotape and the screen so scratched that you can't see anything....and we're all totally embarrassed when he takes it out of his pocket in public ;-)

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