A spoonful of sugar

By Poppins

I'm love with my car

This blip made me think of this great song of Queen..."I'm in love with my car" in fact....one of the song not sung by Freddie but by the drummer Roger Taylor!...quite a good voice as well!
In their first albums especially, quite a few songs were sung as well by Roger Taylor or Brian May (John Deacon never sang!)

...btw....this is NOT my car!:)...but i pass in front of this car nearly every day. i don't even have an idea of who is the owner...but for sure he/she must be in love with this car...cos it's quite well kept!:)
...and i supposed there should be a whole family in love with these old citroens....cos next to this there are as well other two, one red, one pale green and also an old VW van. bright green!...for sure a vintage family in love with 70's!:)

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