Just looking..

By ccleeve

Grey soviet architecture.

Often depressing on the outside and in the communal areas, but homes are cheerfully decorated inside.

It was a grey and wet day today and poor D has a cold - his first. He's his usual cheeful self, but snuffling and sneezing a lot. We ventured out for lunch - to Baku Roasting Company who do great coffee, cakes and my favourite - chicken tortilla soup. Then bought a side of fresh salmon from an import shop - that will give us and D a few dinners. He had some later on pureed with potato, carrots, peas and cheddar cheese. It went down well as most things do. I'm enjoying cooking for D and introducing him to new foods, but I find it leaves me less enthusiastic about cooking for us. It's football season so I'm not getting much assistance from the husband either! I think we'll be eating the same salt-free purees as D before long!

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