The Adventures of Pippin

By kmcameron

Boats at rest

I joined Castle Semple Rowing Club back in November (2010) because I heard it was one of the best things to do for a bad back, and today it was the club's 40th anniversary of its annual regatta. I'm not anywhere near good enough to be able to race, so I just spent the time looking around for interesting things to photograph.

I took this picture inside the boathouse and just thought it was really cool. The first one I took had no one in the doorway and was a bit empty looking (in spite of the boats), so I got my Dad to stand there and I think it looks fab. He is really good at being photographed! And also very obedient (unlike me who will do anything to get away from the camera cos I am so unphotogenic)!

Pippin came down for a bit and had a grand old time splashing in and out of the loch, but then my Mum decided to take her home and poor Pippin was devastated. She loves going in the car, but when she realised me and my Dad weren't coming too she just looked heartbroken. I felt awful.

But then she was really pleased to see us when we came home again a few hours later, so I think we are forgiven. Phew!

I wanted to get a picture of her sitting in one of the boats, but I don't think the the regatta was the day to do it!

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