the blip with no name

By matt989

Sunset on Port Ayr

Todays has been a long day, all in the name of getting some photos.

I set my alarm for 4:45 this morning so I could get up and get some shots of the sunrise and was out the house by 5:00, although I never came home with anything interesting I did learn a bit, forward planning and a well thought out composition etc is definitely needed before making the effort!

After a quick hours kip I was up again and doing the rounds seeing family with Shona which was followed with a trip to Ayr & Preswick.

The trip ended up with quite a few shots similar to my blip today. The post processing has taken me a fair while. Inspired by My Angle's shot yesterday I decided to try and generate my own HDR rather than rely on photomatix.

Another long day tomorrow, we're planning a trip up to Aviemore.

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