My Open Book

By AmyLin

Parallel Lines

The title is in such relation to the picture which, if you think about it, is so typically corny. But I'm literally too exhausted to think of a cool title that's all "philosical" and "Inspiring" LOL. Not really.

Anyways, I ended up falling asleep last night, wait scratch that, half sleeping, half tossing and turning, half getting up to pee, half...dreaming (?). And somehow, I wake up today at 9:30, completely rested. WHAT.
And it just happened that Facebook told me that i had slept for less than six hours, if it really was...sleep.
And then this morning (today was such a nice August day btw), I bike about a mile and a half to my friends house to return a book, end up getting lost in his sub - which only until the end did I find out that all I had to do when I entered was TURN RIGHT. My jeez, this really proves that my directional skills are completely out of whack.
Well, that wasn't even the crazy part. (cue the woohoo!)
I arrive sweaty, disgusting, almost in tears because I ended up at "Fountain Dr." and not "Tipton" (wtf?) and had to ride uphill against the wind which really wasn't helping my thighs, and the fact that I hadn't worked out. At all.
AND THEN Brian has the audacity to tell me to KEEP the book because turns out that I need to keep it for class. Well, this little girl wasn't too happy after that.

Except for the fact that there was an unwanted little early morning workout, the rest of my day was completely uneventful. Relaxed, watched Angels & Demons <3, and then rode to my best friends house and met up with a couple other people at a fair on a pond that was across from where I live.

Can I ask who Cody Simpson is? No need to go to go Google, apparently he's like the Australian-version of Justin Bieber. HA. I ask this because we had gone to the mall after the fair (and then chipotle while i had to salivate watching my friends eat because i didn't bring enough money FML), and was passed by a couple pre-teen girls saying "OMG CODY SIMPSON OMG HE'S SO HOT OMG"
huh. why not just make some t-shirts for him?
Check! They did.

The picture I guess relates kinda to the changing of air. Michigan is slowly going into fall =(, and now the time for short pants is slowly changing.

Well this is getting long, I should get back to playing Words with Friends with my friend Russel who - I am so pleased to say - I managed to stall long enough to write this blip for today with the word "hyena".

Can i hear the word Satisfaction??
Ahh yes i can.
Yes i can.

Ciao! <3

p.s. Looking to a canon Eos mark II for Christmas (WITH a 50 mm lens). That way I can stop entertaining with these crappy photos and finally try out my photography skills. Worth the $2,000?

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