One Chapter at a Time

By AnnieBeee

King of the World

This is me, standing on Kestrel shouting "I'm the King of the World". I had to do it, couldn't resist, but waited till we were safely back in the marina as it was really choppy sailing home and absolutely freezing despite wearing every item of clothing I'd brought with me.

For a girl who has no interest in the great outdoors it turns out that I love sailing. There is something very beautiful about the way the boat cuts through the water and all the ropes and reels and the wind billowing the sail. Sleeping on a boat made me feel like a kid and I haven't laughed so much in ages.

I have a lot to learn though, the excitement clearly affected my brain because it turns out that Dunoon is not an island and a female sailor is not called a "sailswoman". You can imagine the teasing I took all weekend, I blame the landing drinks!

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