Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey


Beautiful morning's swim with little miss Sophia at the Annenberg.

Later at the orthopedic Dr's office to determine the best course of action for Reuben's neck, Callum yelps "pirate!' upon seeing the skeleton. There's a polarisation of opinions which was cemented today: do the fusion/halo surgery and don't do the surgery, each with pros and cons including Reuben's reduced neck mobility if he has his cervical bones fused to create better stability. So the current thinking is we're going to wait 6 months and see if his neck has changed via a new MRI. Is that relief? Yes. I just hope time is the right answer. He'll be carefully monitored then to see if there's been any change to his neck which is already very tilted, but with the fusion surgery, his neck will be permanently stuck without mobility to the right. You give up one thing in the hope of fixing another. In any event, if Reuben were to receive a blow to his neck, it would be catastrophic as his bones were partly fused from birth and he does not have the flexibility in them. I used to think his heart was his biggest issue when it needed to be opened up. Then I thought for a couple of years it was his chronic reflux when almost every gtube feed was a battle to keep down. And now perhaps the safety of the unique anatomy of his neck may just be his biggest issue. You never quite know in CHARGE.

And later for the boys a swim lesson.

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