Moos views

By moosviews

rain, rain go away and come back another day

Okay I admit, not taken with the camera on my phone. I managed to steal hubbie's camera to see if I could take a decent close up shot in my efforts to work out if it would be worth me buying a camera or should stick with what I have. After a bit of a struggle with his camera (I don't find the controls intuitive - even after all this time)and with a bit of help from hubbie, I am reasonably pleased with the photo I took. And a little more determined to save up for an actual camera.

I was in a bit of a dilemma which photo to post today as had several offerings and the close up of a rose leaf with my phone's camera, plus the moody darkness of the thunder cloud that followed us all the way home on our long walk (it was a very long walk and no cover or chance of catching bus to avoid thunder) were great competitors but this won out as I had never tried a shot like this.

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