Northern Exposure

By Northern

The prisoner

For a while now we've talked about getting a couple of barn cats to sort out the local rodent population.

After a conversation with the local Cat Protection people they delivered a couple of 2 year old ginger (ex) toms last Friday. We have to keep them confined for the next couple of weeks until they suss out that we are a source of food and our barn is somewhere warm and dry to sleep.

Unfortunately the cats had escaped by Saturday morning!

Fortunately, the weather was so bad Saturday night they decided to come back and were tucked up warm and cosy in a hay bale on Sunday morning. No daft are they?

I think this one is called MrCat and he's quite happy to look at you and, if you really must, you can scratch behind his ears. His brother, Slinky, is much more retiring and hides under the hay as soon as he sees us coming. Gradually they are getting more relaxed and friendly. Hopefully by the end of a couple of weeks confinement they will reckon it's worth hanging around here and then find out that there is an extra bonus of lots of tasty rats.

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