just allan

By allan

Full Frontal

Great big huge enormous looming clouds over the Forth Estuary from Belhaven. Just missed a soaking!


I managed to spend most of another day on the thesis, today just formatting and fighting with Word. I've not used Word at all until these final stages - I write in HTML and convert to RTF - but it's unavoidable for the final formatting and printing. The University actually requires submission in Word or PDF format, and aside from full-on LaTeX to PDF I don't know another way. So, Word. Turd. "Nearly works".

Anyway, I got my styles styled, my tables tabulated, my margins marginalised, my page numbers enumerated and my captions captured. And then I saved it. And again, somewhere else. And emailed it, somewhere else. And now I'll write it to CD. And USB. And print it. And copy it. And wallpaper the bloody bathroom with it.

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