Trimmed Bush...

Was woken by Ben complaining that there was no hot water. Spoke soothing words and went back to sleep again. When I finally dragged myself out of bed - guess what? No hot water.

So at 9am I rang the company who had installed the boiler in December. At 9.30 the man arrived. By 10.30 the boiler was working and the man had gone and it didn't cost a penny! That is what I call excellent service.

As I was still scutty I cleaned out the chickens - the new girls are coming into lay so there were a few soft shelled eggs in the bottom of the roost. Anyway, we have had 5 good eggs today but bloody Amy is broody again...

Feeling motivated, I decided to start trimming our somewhat overgrown hedge. As next door had done their side before they moved it was quite obvious that we needed to do our side. After an hour off for lunch/Eastenders catch up I completed it. All 40 metres of it* (and 2 bush/shrub things).

And now my arms are hurting so much, amputation feels like a good thing!

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