Off Centre

By RachelCarter

I predict seeds...

I had a wander around the garden just now and noted all the dog toys, weeds, overgrown tree branches hanging down, and general gardening neglect.
There's a real sense of human lack lustre whilst nature is keeping busy. Bees, butterflies, dandelions, brambles, nettles, berries, are springing out all over the place. I also spotted a lot of seed heads everywhere.

Seed heads make you think ahead. Of time passing, of preparation, of stored energy, of the future. After a long period of just getting through each day, they've made me realise just how little I have planned recently.

I watched bees on the sunflowers. I thought about the pollination process that is creating the current and eventual seeds that will produce flowers next year.
Any sense of 'what's next?' has all seemed too much for me lately. I've had no energy. Physically or mentally. I've lost my buzz. I've had no proper plans, no lists, and just melted from one day to the next with a head full of duties to get me through until bedtime.

That's no way to live.

I had no intention of choosing this picture for today's blipfoto. I had no plans to share a photo of a sunflower. I didn't have time to get the shot right or focus, I just fancied seeing what a zoomed-in-on bee looked like, and then it moved and I clicked, knowing it would all be out of focus. But I like it. I didn't even crop. That's just how it was.

Message to self: Stop being scared of the future. Sometimes you have to trust yourself a little more and just go for it. And feel free to let go a bit. Things do turn out all right sometimes.

I feel a trip to the garden centre coming on... :)

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