Chris M

By chrism

supermarket queue

One long queue at the co-op. One with only one customer.
Which to go for?
I go for the short queue.

That'll be @2.31 please, Billy.
Aye! (Hands over card)
No, Billy, That's yer bus pass.
Long queue is now a lot shorter.
It's yer bus pass. Have you got your bank card.
Aye! Is that no it?
No, Billy. See. It's your bus pass.
Aye, Y have it there. Theres ma card.
(v loud) - No Billy it's the wrong one.
Oh! (startled) the rang one. It's the only one I brought out.
No bank card?
(other queue almost disappeared)
OK Billy I'll write a note to the till. Pay me tomorrow.
I change queue
Is that everything Mary?
I'll have (goes into ten different kinds of lottery ticket.)
Later Mary carefully counts her money, drops it all borrows 17p from me to make up the difference. (I have never met Mary before). The till roll runs out and has to be replaced and the manager is sent for to allow the winw to go through the till. (Checker outter is under 18 .) Under 18 can take your drinks order, serve it to you, and do everything needed except take to money. It isn't booze or money that' the corrupting influence - it's the combination apparently.
I learn about patience, and actually do see the funny side.
The snail got through the check out quicker than me.
Moral of the story - if there is a very long queue and a very short one - there's a reason.

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