Grey Day

Today is one of those limbo days. I've felt at odds with myself because I return to work tomorrow, but not to teaching. Normally the last few days would have been frenetic with preparation and organisation, but I don't have to do that anymore. I keep catching myself thinking, 'I haven't done....' and then realising I don't have to do it. I should be sounding super happy I know but at the moment I just feel a bit empty. I'm sure once I'm in and on with the new job (which I am looking forward to) then I'll feel differently, plus there's my retirement holiday coming up soon......!

Anyway, blipwise, Tony invited me up to the greenhouse (such a romantic!) to blip his peppers of which he is rightly proud, but the grey day did not do them justice so here's a raindrop on a brussels sprout leaf instead!

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