
By Ilaria


Guess what I got????!!!!!! Lol!!!

Beautiful Canon 600D arrived yesterday evening! With a few lenses!! SO excited!!! Now batteries all charged and was playing with it the house!! Hopefully will get out playing permitting!! Still reading instructions so I don't wreck it or anything! But SOOOOO fantastic!! Chose different lenses in the end...and incredibly happy. Will have a lot of fun with this stuff!! Even took this with a remote shutter release, and lovely macro lens!!! Fabbydabbydoo!!!!

Off now to actually eat something.....MUST remember basic life necessities even if surrounded by toys!!! BYEEEEEEEE................


And a lovely thankyou to you all for being so supportive over the past weeks. I'm aiming to restart blipping, but over the time I've been off I've made the very difficult decision that I can realistically only blip a few times a week. I'd love to blip everyday, but am now admitting to myself that the commenting was too much to do every day. I love that part, and don't want to put up a shot and not comment, so I've decided to reduce the shots and commenting to about 3 days a week.

When I went into hospital and my brother came to visit...the garden was a disaster, and so was the house. To be honest, it was pretty embarrassing, and it was due to the fact that by the time I'd worked, eaten, etc...and blipped...and commented...there was no time left to tidy and garden!! Getting caught out made me realise I can't do everything!!!! So whilst I love it....I need to reduce the time spent here to try and actually find time to do the other things!!! Lol!!

I hope you all understand!!! I SOOO love this place, and have missed it, and each of you, dreadfully. I've missed taking photos, and can't wait to restart!!! :-))))

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