Just looking..

By ccleeve

My last day at home :(

I have a horrible cold - thanks D - so I'm really not looking forward to returning to work tomorrow after just over 7 months away (D was born on 12 February). I know that it will be fine, D will be fine, we will be fine.... but it's been so wonderful to be able to concentrate on D and some of my hobbies - I haven't missed my desk at all!

It was a lovely day here and we ventured out to the park, but I felt pretty under the weather - I don't know how D had this cold and stayed so cheerful. I was going to put a photo of D up for today's blip, but the husband tells me that I put up too many photos of D.... he might be right... so instead you have Spike. This is where he likes to have his afternoon siesta when it's too hot to lounge in the sun. Another sight I'll see less of once I'm back at work.

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