Cross Country

Traveling by train (first class of course) is much more civilised than having to endure the pain of airports & flying.

I enjoyed taking the train down South today. Absolutely stuffed with the food they keep bringing past every 10 minutes, but i did mainly manage to stay clear of the free beer they kept wheeling past (ok so i had one small IPA) and actually got a lot of work done.

Not a lot to see or do where i'm staying, and as it seems to get darker earlier down here I didn't have long to go out walking and blipping before my colleagues arrive. So quickly nipped across to the village church next to the hotel and poked around to see if there was anything i could blip. Haven't taken any cross shots for a while, so here's one.

Whilst i'm not religious, i do admire crosses and some of the bits and bobs that adorn religious places.

Hopefully P&P arrive soon, as I'm getting hungry and its beer o'clock ;)


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