Ham chicken drumsticks and kebabs

Trepidation was all over the eldest's face for some Maths homework which sounded like a major project. First step understanding issue, no first step is actually reading it out correctly. What are 'messages' as in going to the supermarket to get some, what are these mystical things?

Do people tell you things? Are there words on the produce you can find in supermarkets? Are supermarkets trying to send you messages when you go to the checkout and there are things that might interest children? Or maybe I am reading to much into these messages.

So first rule of Maths Club is messages = shopping.

Having established that one, the message i.e. the one which was the initial Maths question, (too many messages here!) then the understanding of what the scenario was (2 people going shopping spending X, coming away with Y, undoubtedly with some 'messages' in addition to their 'messages' [those which equal shopping]) made the actual sum, quite easy.

Having done that one with ease, our eldest (I think I need a better nickname for her, any suggestions?) rattled through the rest including one which she analysed visually (good thinking girl wonder) before delivering all answers correctly. Very happy father.

Is there a message here?

Not sure, but the cost of the ham, chicken drunsticks and kebabs was £11.53


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