jewel tones...

...on a rather ordinary day

or perhaps not as i've dealt with creepy, crawly things today...

it began with getting this photo... and having to walk down what i call "bee" alley... it's not really an alley - just the neighbors overgrown bushes along the sidewalk that are flowering like mad - hence have become a shouting beacon to all the bees in the city, i kid you not. there is no lacking for them - all kinds, everywhere... bzzzzzzzz... i have written of them before. i think they've gotten worse if that's even possible... keep your mouth closed - cover your nose - protect your eyes - wear long sleeves... if you're going to be near the area... jeesh...

but i've been intrigued with these little flowers - the color is the prettiest deep pink... i don't know what it is - but i wanted to blip it today. so i armed myself and head down - or up - or whatever... i went in. came out with my shots and could swear i had several bees in my pockets as well...

got home to put some long overdue laundry in the machine... and my oh my... behind the laundry basket, found a cobweb with a spider! ick... and yuk! now this is not to say i don't keep a clean house... but really? how did that happen? just because i got behind a bit on laundry... a spider decides to take up residence - it's warm outside... shouldn't he be out there? they should only be allowed in the house - maybe... when it's cold and even then - in corners where i'm not aware they're there...

so i've spent my ordinary day, feeling creepy crawly... ya know what i mean? ewwww... but i know even these things have a place in our world... a purpose... i may not like it or understand... it may make my skin itch a bit... but i'm grateful... would i have been able to have gotten such great jewel tones if not for those bees? perhaps that's pushing it a tad... but in my mind after all - it contributes to a

happy day.....

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