
By CleanSteve

Some people in Stroud are angry

I attended this important meeting in Stroud Subscription Rooms tonight, and the place was packed. It seemed fitting that the venue, built in 1832, was funded by the people of Stroud paying subscriptions.

John Marjoram, our Mayor, called this meeting on behalf of the the Town Council, who paid for the hire of the room tonight, to allow a forum for a discussion about the proposed imminent changes to our Hospital and local health services.

Apparently we are at the forefront, and possibly guinea pigs, for massive changes whereby the local health services will be organised and run by a Social Enterprise Trust, which has huge implications for the health services we will be paying for. It is very complicated and very little has been published about how it will work and particularly their business plan. If this is the way of the future for the national health service, I am worried.

I won't go into much detail (I don't really know them), except to say that the speakers you see on the podium, who included our MP, the Chief Executive of the proposed Trust, the head representative of the regional GPs and a civil servant whose department will 'deliver' the services did not impress anyone with their attempts at explaining the proposals or answering questions about why there was no consultation with employees or us, the recipients of their largesse.

There were two women representing 'Stroud against the Cuts', and a health service union, who received great support. I think you will hear more nationally about the issues we were confronting tonight, in due course. I would suggest you need to prepare.

When questions were allowed, the man whose back I shot on the left of the picture, asked the priest who was chairing proceedings to request a show of hands about whether we supported the proposed establishment of the new future health services. About five hands then raised in favour of the government backed proposals. Then those opposed to the proposals raised their hands, as you can see here, clearly in the majority.

Our MP, seated on the right of the stage, did not win any approval after his presentation. Unlike our former Labour MP, who lost this seat at the last election, who spoke to great acclaim from the floor. This is only the beginning. The general feeling was that this is a fait accompli. There has been no prior discussion and no consultation. The staff knew nothing of the proposed changes to their employment. I wonder what is in store for us all.

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