
By RichardDixon

Mother, nature

An unexpectedly warm start to September after some louring skies over the past few days. And some warm but fuzzy thoughts to match.

This climbing rose brightens up a sometimes dull part of our garden. It was given to us by my mother. For now, it is like she was: shades of pink and orange, and tastefully fragrant.

The past tense is deliberate: she said that her unexpected 19th birthday present was the outbreak of the Second World War, on September 3, 1939. As an accomplished German-speaker, she was later to deal with Jewish refugees from the Nazi concentration camps. Even when you are persecuted for who you are and come to a place of safety, having escaped death for a while, you do not necessarily escape taxes. She worked for the Inland Revenue, but that did not mean she was not a good person.

The picture is deliberately fuzzy: up close but not quite in focus, symbolic of a love that has been changed by that other certainty in life other than taxes, death: hers a couple of years ago. Soon that rose will be diminished physically, withered and fallen. But it will still have a dignity and character that its early September glory reflects in the realm of the seen.

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