Laughing out loud

By eosferret

Eye spy ...

Oranges, limes and mandarins.

Just been reading about SparkyMarkie leaving Blip. A sad day. I've contacted Blipcentral with the following:

Dear Blipcentral

I've just been reading about the demise of SparkyMarkie's journal/account/time with Blip. I wanted to draw your attention to the degree of disappointment that the Blip community feels and has expressed about decisions to pull his photos. Even though heavily photoshopped (on occasion) his work did not seem to contravene the contributor rules in any substantial way. Although I do not know the details of complaints or objections lodged against his work that led to each one being suspended it does seem that there was a degree of targeting against him and a use of Blipcentral as a tool of this persecution.

I urge Blipcentral to clarify the rules relating to the use of photoshop and to implement a mechanism of appeal to prevent future misapplication of Blip rules to hurt a contributor.

Many thanks

Feel free to contact Blipcentral too.

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