
By pyropeck

The Stable Block

I went on a mini adventure today to Ruperra Castle. Its long being left for the elements. Set in 15 acres & has lots of out buildings and stables. This image shows the only part that is still reasonably intact.

The castle itself is a magnificent sight but no longer has a roof or windows or even suitable flooring (5 storeys). The outer turrets have started to or have already fallen. We ventured down into the cellars and boiler room which had no real light. I didnt have a proper torch or flash, just my phone for guidance.

The stables and courtyard have signs of life but not recently.
The House has been left for the vandals but in its time must have been quite something. It has 8 rooms on the ground floor and 6 bedrooms.

See the rest of my photos here Flickr

Oh and its for sale at a steal of £1,500,000

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