
By eightthirty

such as this

On this day (not date) last year, we moved house.

It was a marvellous day. It was the moments of transition that were, as ever, the most fraught. But we made it.

At 8:30 that night, the weeWeir was being put to bed in her cot. Now she sleeps in a high bed. She was soon to start playgroup, now she is at nursery.

Today has been a mix of emotions. Utter joy that we get to live here, have great neighbours and some brilliant experiences in just one short year.

Also poignant sadness too. Sadness at he loss of Mrs theWeir's Dad.

It's been some year.

And all we ask is for many more to come. With their highs and their lows. But fewer lows, please.

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