Don't Shoot Dai

By mikedaimilner


Why do I feel in a state of flux? Things are moving forward in the way that I want, but I am not feeling motivated, for whatever reason. Maybe I am not feeling productive, and that occasionally really bugs me. Maybe it's my impatience, or the fact I am wary of passing up the opportunities open to me at the moment.

Blipping has therefore felt a chore, rather than a enjoyment. It is good to go out, but the inspiration and the opportunity to try and take something different is proving problematic. Difficult when I don't go out until after dark and I don't either have the confidence to try and take other shots, either through my own timidness or the frustration that the photo you think is there does not turn out in the way you want it too. I resort therefore again, to LE's but then I shouldn't because I still want to get a wide angle lens, as the simple kit lens I have really bugs me, or a new camera body, but then I always ask myself whether it is something that I should be doing right now - less so because of the money just whether it is that important right now because of the changes going on in my life.

So many questions, too little answers. I end up with half - hearted blips that probably could be about the dogs, or the other silly things I have done today (eating Falko pretzel's which really rock!) - which don't inspire me but feel obligation rather than really what I should do.

Yet saying all that excites me. It means I have to look for those answers, so tell me what you think of my photo, be as honest as you want.

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