Of Euxine / Resi to live.

By IAtkinson

San Francisco Ocean Beach

Sometimes, it's your day off and wake up at home around Noon and theres no coffee or milk left. You start thinking after the grogginess wears off a little and you think gee wiz lets try and relax a little. You're not doin much though and you get a little lonely. You wonder what the heck? Gosh darn.

Then you're buddy Jerry calls and hes like "Hey Hey ayyyyya lets go get nachos at the Bar. It's 430, so you get ready, you shower and brush your teeth. Change you're smelly clothes. Hop on the L train. Jerry meets you down near his house and golly jeepers he brought his dog Wally, whom every stranger adores.

You get to the bar and you eat free bar nachos in a smaller paper tray then usual, they downsized, and drink Blue Moons. Chop. You get a little buzzed and you chop it up some more. Then you realize boy, these drinks are expensive. So you go to the liquor store next door and you get two 40's, Champagne of beers.

You're a block or is it a half? away from the beach so you guys of fun! The suns setting. Drink some 40. Jerry and wally run off into the surf and you snap some shops *clickpsh* *clickpsh* Drink some 40. It gets a little cold so you head to the public restrooms and they are looked so you camp out with Jerry and Wally in the alcove and you Drink some 40.

Theres some laughing, and some good pizza later and then it's off back to
you're house.

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