Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam

Being Taller

So much about being a toddler is trying to keep up...trying to prove you're as good as the taller people in your life...trying to be bigger than you really are.

And some people never grow out of this, no matter how tall they get :-)

I don't dress them identically on's just that Noah has suddenly developed a passion for being 'like' the other people in his world.

'Noah have orange juice...just like mummy.'
'Noah building...just like Henry.'
'Noah wear a cool shirt...just like daddy.' And so on. This morning H had a bright red T-shirt on so Noah wanted his red T shirt on.

Then H called him to see some building material being unloaded from a lorry for our neighbours who live opposite. Noah, of course, couldn't see but Noah is nothing if not resourceful and solved the problem on his own :-) And it kept them out of trouble for twenty minutes or so.

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