My Angle

By myangle


I took this photo about 300 metres off St Helena Island out in the middle of the bay. We were in less than a metre of water but from here out it drops off pretty quickly to around 10 metres. The conditions were perfect again. Not a breath of wind. I took my friend Brad out and I was hoping that we might actually catch some fish. No luck. Well, almost. I caught a sole and a nice juvenile shark. Not really what I wanted though. There were fish about mind you. I was using soft plastic lures and a number of them got mangled from fish strikes.

When I called Brad last night I was hoping for a very early start and a trip out to a reef off Mud Island. I probably need a second fuel tank for that just to be on the safe side though. A trip to Mud Island and back is around 40km. So it was just a shorter trip today. Still, St Helena is about 10km off the mainland so it wasn't a bad run. It was also somewhere I haven't been before.

Thank you everyone for all the wonderful comments yesterday.

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