
By Frontier

It's an illusion, but just believe.

Madonna - Get Together (Flashtech Remix)

The ever transient entity you wish to view is not real. The perpetual change mystically defies categorisation infinitely. There is no end to change nor is there a reprieve from it. The lost person on the street crying to nothing in their hands, seemingly forever stilted in their empty clutching of the past is a prime example of despair, of not letting go; the past is over. It will never return in any way shape or form into its original nature. That itself changes with time. The mind's eye skewing its shape into an unrecognisable freak, far from its initial birth.

Thankfully, like the past, the future is not set and changes concurrently with it. The harmonious relationship steering through the current of the ultimate path (whatever that is). In other words, your perspective of the past will guide you towards your destined future. Have it changed and so will your direction. Were I to think of a past event in one way, it will take me to its logical progressive step, think of it in another, and it will go to the other progressive step. I burn a piece of toast, for example, I think of the result as a failure and throw it away. I'm therefore still hungry. Were I to think of it as another opportunity, I would scrape away the unwanted parts and eat it just a little bit later, I will have eaten.

It's an illusion. Nothing is true, be it the past or the future. Only the tiny threshold that balances your right to choose.

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