
By Mememe

2nd Brood ?

Someone said it might be a House Martin but I really dont know, only knew it was there because of all the mess below. The picture was taken with full zoom and my hand shake, but thankfully anti shake helps some.

Tonight I really do have dyslexic fingers, they are hitting the wrong keys all over the place so if I have missed any errors please forgive me

I was in Amesbury representing Wiltshire Mind todaym trying to make people more aware of mental heaslth. Having gone expecting it not to be great I had a really good day, spoke with many people and found a lovely bakers called Reeves and they had some scrummy hot food, sandwiches and cakes.

It has been really hot here today with temperatures reaching over 27 c

Mike just called and he is about to head to Dullas Airport for his flight home tonight. He should be back in London about 7am, here about 10ish maybe.

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