Covered in Bees

By PaulFS

LadyBlip Manor

Nowhere to hide in my garden! When a man's gotta blip... a man's gotta blip!

It was particularly tricky to get this shot as the wasps seem to have taken a liking to my sunflowers! If they're not invading and nesting in my birdboxes (2 last year!) they're buzzing round my sunflowers when a man's trying to blip!

I sort of hope I've built up a bit of 'wasp karma' as I always rescue them from the house and don't kill them. Apparently if you alarm them they use a sort of CB radio system to get their mates round to sting you up. I'm hoping if it ever happens one of them will stop for a second and say "Hold Up Lads!!!" (in a Cockney accent), "It's that geezer with the pint glass and envelope who saved my old dad last year! We'll let 'im off... just this once mind! Can't be goin' soft now can we! Move on fella's!"

Could happen!!!

Anyway - hope you like LadyBlip Manor

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